Take testing for a certification which earns 11% more than an analyst without certification
Once we complete a degree at UG or PG level, then the Need comes to find a new job. It’s a challenging time to be looking. But you can increase our odds of success by adding qualifying IT certifications to our resume. There are number of online certification websites where we can take testing on various disciplines or subjects. One of the site I have recently found is Brainbench. Though there are many vendors that offer IT certification, with a range in cost, convenience and approach that vary wildly. One option worth considering is getting certified through Brainbench (www.brainbench.com). With over 300 IT certifications to choose from, Brainbench has been serving the IT community with vendor-neutral certifications since 1998. Regardless of the provider you end up choosing, IT certifications can make a real difference in both your job search and your salary moving forward.
Taking the time to complete certification testing has many benefits. It helps individuals differentiate themselves in a tough and competitive job market. It enables hiring managers to simplify and shorten the hiring process. It gives training departments information to develop employees’ desktop computing skills and expertise. Organizations get stronger from their technology investment by making sure their workforce has the right skills for the right jobs.
While some may question the value of certifications, a trade study of hiring managers from 685 companies both inside and outside the IT industry found that "IT companies viewed certifications at least as important as a bachelor’s degree while non-IT companies placed certifications slightly below a bachelor’s degree in importance" (ITAA, 2001). And looking forward into 2009, times are likely to be as tough or tougher than 2001.
Another very good reason to get certified: earn more money. A network analyst with a college degree, job experience and a certification earns 11% more than an analyst without certification, and 18% more per year than an analyst with neither certification nor past job experience (IT Skills and Salary Report, Global Knowledge/TechRepublic, March 2008). Completing certification also shows that job candidates are serious about career goals and continuing education.(courtesy: mail received from Techsay team)