Career path finder chart

Career path finder chart
I recently received a mail with a picture which portrays all sort of job availability after completion of schooling, Bachelor and Master degrees. This is really good career path finder chart for all candidates irrespective of their qualifications. I would like to thank the creator of the chart.

Choice of diversified higher education for more job opportunities

Choice of diversified higher education for more job opportunities
When the IT and Computer fields were at the peak, people preferred IT and Computure science study for obtaining basic and Master degrees in order to get job. People around the world preferred Computer field as their future job options irrespective of the disciplines like Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Physics, Chemistry, MBA, even Medical fields. During that period , they even got placement and receiving high salaries. However, the trend has completely changed as the IT field went down. Now all of them prefer to choose other fields, in particular to pursue MBA degrees. If the situation goes in this manner, again there will be a recession in this field, there is no other option to get a job.
Instead, if they prefer diversified fields like nano technology, space technology, applied physics, engineering field of their interest (concentrating on core subjects) and so on of thier own discipline for pursuing higher degrees, then there would not be any problem in future for getting a job. If they even do not get any job, they can create their own company of their field which will enhance more job opportunities

Have a long term plan or goal before joining a Company

Have a long term plan or goal before joining a Company

Once we complete a degree, our immediate step is to join in some companies or concerns. We do not thing about our future at this time. By merely considering our family constraints, we join and work there irrespective of the salary they pay or nature of work. After a couple of months, we start to feel about the work, salary and other factors. It could become a lock between you and that particular job or company after working for some period. We will be in a position of not able to the leave job, or not able to get an alternate job. In order to prevent this situations, we can have a long term plan before joining any job, the plan may be doing a higher degree, searching a good company which satisfy all of my conditions like nature of job, salary, working place and so on.

Wide job opportunities for a multi talented person

Wide job opportunities for a multi talented person
While the IT field was at a top, as the job opportunites in this field was more, it gave job opportunities for persons from all fields and disciplines like computer science, IT, Electrical engineers, Civil, Mechanical engineers, architechts. It accomodated persons from freshers to experienced personalities. It also accomodated irrespective of the ages and the qualifications from bacheler, diploma degrees to Master & Ph.D. holders. New courses also emerged related with IT field or in order to cater and fill the job opportunities.
But, Now that golden oppornunites are no more, unless you have multi talented personalities. You should able to show your skill in your own field . So build your talent according to the job requirements other than IT field, other wise in technical field. You have a bright features.

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